Recently we were asked ‘so what do you actually do at the Scottish Baptist College?’ And that is a very good question to ask! Day in and day out the staff team work here preparing classes; researching up to date material; thinking through church life and practice; and strategizing how best to reach and equip potential students. But the result of all that can all seem a strange land to anyone who has never been to study at SBC before!
So what does studying at SBC look like? What might a ‘typical’ student be like?
Who comes to SBC?
Students also come from many different backgrounds. We have the school leavers to those looking to train as a second career to those just interested to learn later in life. Everyone is welcome to come and learn whatever stage they are at – the diversity makes for rich discussion in class! Some people are full-time students (3 modules a term working towards a B.D. Hons in Theology over four years); some are part-time (1 or two modules of term working towards a B.D. Hons in Theology over four+ years); some are studying to exit with a Certificate or Diploma or Ordinary Degree in Theology (full-time equivalent to one, two or three years study respectively); and some are here just to take a single specific module for interest. Whatever your end goal, we’ll try to help you get there!
What do they come to do?
The answer, of course, is varied! Our students come to SBC for a variety of reason – to train for ministry and accreditation / ordination or in Chaplaincy; to be equipped for service in the local church as youth / family / community workers; in preparation for missionary and pioneering work; to get a foundation for another career such as teaching, the caring professions, or further academic study. Our graduates go on to work and serve across the world in a variety of settings.
What might you actually end up studying?
This year, 2016 / 2017, we have a variety of different classes running at all level. If you were full-time and in your first term of first year you’d be taking Encountering the Bible on a Tuesday morning – this is basically an introduction to the bible and how to read it well. You’d also take Faith Seeking Understanding on a Wednesday morning – this is an introduction to theology, or as you might hear it referred to, systematic or doctrinal theology, things like the Trinity or Creation. Finally you’d take Preaching on a Thursday morning – this does exactly what it says, it helps you think about preaching and communicating the Christian faith.
In other years, you’d be looking at things like Baptist Identity, Reconciliation, Spiritual Development…and of course, that’s just one term of one year – there’s lots to discover! Other terms and other years have more classes (see here for a full list!)
Finally, we also have our newly designed Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care module specifically designed for those wishing to take a class dedicated to learning about Chaplaincy work. Read more about it here.
And there’s still more…
So there you have it – that’s what coming to SBC looks like. That and coffee breaks! Every day we have coffee together and short devotions. SBC is so much more than just the classroom (although this is important), we are also a learning community, a worshipping community, and we try to share some of life together as we go.