We are a welcoming community who welcome students from a variety of backgrounds and beliefs. In fact, it’s woven into the very fabric of our baptistic heritage to do so. Baptists believe in the autonomy of the local church who communally discern together to live under the rule of Christ. In practice that means there is scope for a broad range of perspectives and the way to grow together is to discuss and discern our shared understanding of Christ-centred living, through the guidance of the Spirit and to the glory of the Father. So whether you’re Baptist or not, we welcome you in to increase the richness of our conversation and hope that we will all learn together.
Of course, this means that one of the most basic commitments is to respectful dialogue and loving disagreement. Students may not always come to the same conclusions and there is the freedom to dissent from one another, but because we can agree our faith-life is important, we can also agree to a commitment to living alongside one another in a hospitable manner as we continue to figure these issues out.
In light of this, the student body is made up of people with a range of life journeys and vocational aspirations. The span of student ages, backgrounds and experiences contributes to the rich dynamic of the supportive communal life of Scottish Baptist College. The shared passion of SBC students is the desire to develop Christian faith and practice in a supportive learning environment.
Some students choose modular study for personal interest and development. Others take the full programme to pursue vocational aspirations in Christian ministry and mission.
Some students come to SBC straight from school and others later after pursuing other studies or careers. Modular and part time options mean that some continue to work in Church activity or in other work while developing their theological education.
Among recent students we have welcomed church leaders refreshing or enhancing their learning, retired people involved in local church leadership, and those working towards a full degree and career change.