Below you’ll find a selection of student testimonies on what studying at SBC is like. Some of these are scattered throughout the website but we’ve brought them all together here!
How is SBC as a place to study individual class? Is it easy to integrate into the College?
I found SBC a friendly place to be. Staff and students were very welcoming and I quickly felt part of the college, even though I was only in once a week. The fulltime students even let me walk to the library and have lunch with them!!
What are some of the modules you’ve studied and what did you get out of them?
I have studied modules on ‘Worship’, ‘Baptist Identity’ and ‘Creative Homiletics’ and enjoyed each of them. I found them practically helpful, allowing me to enhance skills and in some cases providing me with new skills; and also challenging, as we looked at different ideas and spent time discussing together in class, often challenging each other’s thoughts…but in a safe and respectful way while also having a good laugh at times in the relaxed, supportive atmosphere created in class by lecturers.
What are some of the challenges / highlights from modular study at SBC?
As I was working fulltime, the main challenge I experienced was managing the weekly reading and uploading my reflections to the online forum, though this was also a very beneficial exercise to both clarify my own thoughts and to allow my opinions to be challenged by the comments of classmates. The work load was never unreasonable and with a bit of discipline, was definitely manageable.
Highlights are tricky to choose – I really enjoyed the classes, the break for worship (which was so varied, as everyone took a turn), and pretty decent coffee with good quality banter and generally having a wee snap shot of SBC life…which I reckon is pretty good!

Ruth Kelso
Modular Studies
I am close to completing my final year of the BD programme at the Scottish Baptist College. My experience so far is that I have been challenged by the views of others, staff and students alike.
Moreover, as a consequence of studying the various subjects, I have found myself reflecting over my understanding of my faith and beliefs. Things I had just accepted or assumed have been shored up by learning or rethought.
Ultimately, this college is expanding my academic knowledge base and my theology as I work through what and why I believe what I do, in an environment where I am given space to be me.

Alice McDermott
Gained the BD degree in 2014 and is now minister at St James Road Baptist Church
During my time at SBC I’ve been challenged in numerous ways, all of it for the better. Knowing that God had brought me to SBC I wasn’t really sure what I had gotten myself into, but each class stretched me and helped to develop me and it has given me an amazing start in this journey that I am on with God.
The course was both difficult and thought provoking but I loved it. The support I received from both the staff and students at SBC was above and beyond anything I could have imagined.
I am sad not to be returning in September, but I know that once a student at SBC, you are never forgotten about.

Cindy Pollock
BD(Hons) Graduate, 2012
Studying at the SBC is about learning in a safe environment where everyone has a chance to have their say and not passively in a crowd. Great place to prepare for future ministry.

Graham Horne
BD(Hons) Graduate 2014
Truly a safe place, an anvil, for thrashing ideas, expressing and testing opinions, and honing ministry skills. Personal, warm – but not in a fuzzy way, room for feisty-ness. A community of learning that promotes Christian life in the real world.

Rev James Faddes
Minister, previous modular student
Why SBC? Why a Certificate course?
We were asked to study theology for one year to join our mission organisation (OMF International) as full members, that’s the reason we chose one year. We chose SBC because of practical reasons such as the lectures being held during the school day. We were also impressed by the website and the College’s philosophy and mission statement. It’s also a small and friendly College so it didn’t take long to settle in.
Academically I particularly enjoyed the modules Encountering the Bible and Listening to Scripture. In practical terms I also found Ethics and Pastoral Care very helpful. Personally it was great to study with other followers of Christ all seeking to know him better and serve him more.
Challenges / Highlights…
The workload is hard to juggle with part-time work and raising a family. It definitely helps that it comes in spurts and bursts dependent on semester breaks and assignment due dates, so if you’re working flat out hopefully it’s only for a few weeks at a time until the next lull!
Highlights are being part of the College community, learning from each other as well as receiving excellent teaching from the staff. Also opening God’s word in depth and looking at hermeneutics in the Listening to Scripture module was a real highlight for me.

Ali and Cathy Hunt
One-year course