The BD (Hons) in Theology with Pastoral Studies programme is our core programme training for ministry and chaplaincy. The programme covers the foundations in biblical studies, foundations in doctrine and church history, as well as a broad range of practical / pastoral theology. However, the programme is designed for much more than traditional church ministry, helping students to discover their call, nourish their faith, and reach their potential.
We envisage students to be passionate about learning about God, deepening their own faith, and feel called to help others experience God’s presence in their life. The BD programme helps students to become well rounded practitioners for whatever ministry they are called to, whether that’s chaplaincy in healthcare, hospices, or prisons; church and caring ministries; or broader areas of ministry through school teaching or third sector vocations.
For the BD Theology with Pastoral Studies (Youth and Community) please see here.
Introduction to the Programme
The BD in Theology with Pastoral Studies invites students to explore issues of Scripture and Christian belief, lived ethics, Christian spirituality, and mission. Students engage with the biblical story, and in a supportive context explore the range and richness of Christian theology and history in order to discover and develop ways of living out strong convictions and an informed faith.
The BD programme at SBC aims to be both informative and formative. This takes place when what is believed is rooted in practice and is shaped and developed in a supportive community context.
Students study at SBC for many different reasons from across many different denominations and backgrounds. We do, however, partner with the Baptist Union of Scotland to provide training for accredited ministry. For those studying for Baptist ministry, the key competences required by both the Baptist Union of Scotland and the Baptist Union of Great Britain are integrated into the overall learning experience.
Delivery Methods
There are two ways to study at the Scottish Baptist College – on-campus and online. The first of these, on-campus delivery, is the traditional model where classes take place on-campus at our accrediting university, the University of the West of Scotland in Paisley. Classes take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings between 10am and 1pm. As part of our daily rhythm, we gather for coffee and devotions for 30 mins in the middle of the morning. Our commitment to learning communities mean that in-class interactions between students and lecturers are fundamental to learning from each other and therefore, learning together.
The second way to study at SBC is our online delivery. This model takes the best of the the on-campus experience of a robust learning community combined with access to resources and lecturers but allows you to stay in your home context. Online learning for SBC doesn’t look like being left on your own to read books; and it doesn’t look like watching pre-recorded content; instead we focus on developing an online learning community with real-time interactions and discussions in a virtual classroom. In general we gather together each week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings (depending on the number of modules you take) from 7:15-9:30pm over Zoom. Occasionally we’ll combine delivery methods and use a hybrid style classroom with some students on-campus and some online. This allows us maximum flexibility for all circumstances.
Read our blog about our delivery methods and what online validation means for the way you can study.
Shape of the Year
Our academic year usually begins around mid-September and runs to early May (the latest term timetable is here). Our terms are 15 weeks long with 12 weeks of classes and post-class assessment periods. Term 1 has 12 weeks of classes with one Reading Week (weeks with no classes which usually coincides with the local school October holiday – dependent on Council area) and runs until early December. Term 2 begins in late January with 2 Reading Weeks (one at beginning of March and one at the beginning of April, again to coincide with one week of school Easter holidays) and ends at the beginning of May.
If on a degree course of study, Term 2 also contains a placement-based course as one of your classes.
You can find out more about specific modules on offer here.
For fees and financing click here