In November there are a second round of graduations that take place at the four Scottish campuses of The University of the West of Scotland. After having five successful candidates graduate with honours degrees in the summer graduation, three more of our students graduated with ordinary degrees in the recent winter graduations. Though only one could attend the ceremony, we offer our congratulations to all the students that completed their studies.
It’s always a great pleasure to see our students graduate knowing that it is the culmination of many long hours of studying and much effort and energy in bringing them to this point. Last Thursday, it was a especially nice to welcome Rosey McFarlane back to SBC briefly (picture above) in her graduation gowns and with her family. Rosey’s daughter, Zara, turned 1 in the past week meaning Rosey managed to complete her final year of her degree while caring for a young child – a lot of respect is due!
If the graduation has inspired you to consider studying at SBC then please do get in contact or fill out an application form.