Dear friends,
Happy New Year! It’s never clear when it’s too late into the year to say that, but since this is our first monthly friends e-news it seems relevant! The new year always brings a flurry of activity as we bring together the final pieces for the term ahead, as well as looking forward to the rest of 2025. This week in College we were talking about how it can be hard, particularly at the start of a year, to live in the present, while there is so much clamouring for our attention that lies in the future. We’re trying to balance being attentive to the people and needs in front of us, while properly planning for the year ahead!
The immediate, present for us is the start of term next week and we’re excited to have students back – they really are the heartbeat of the College and we’ll enjoy hearing about their break from College. We’ve a great range of modules this term and we’re in no doubt that students will grow, learn, and develop as they attend to their classes. We’ve a number of new students starting, taking classes as a one-off module, as well as a few hoping to transition to degree studies in September – please remember them as they settle into a new rhythm and take steps to be equipped for their call. As classes begin next week, applications are closing today (Friday 17th)…but if you or someone you know is ready to dive into a class right now, then get in contact with Graham (graham.meiklejohn@uws.ac.uk) and we’ll still be able to sneak them in!

Now for the longer term! We’re already thinking about the next academic year as we put together timetables and liaise with the teaching team. We also know that the New Year and into spring is when a number of people start to think about starting studies in September and we’d really like to connect with these prospective students. So, coming up in mid-February we have an on-campus Open Day to give an experience of a day in the life of the College. You can register for it by clicking here or pass it on to anyone who might be interested.

Looking into March, we have a special lecture to mark the 500-year anniversary of the Anabaptist movement being held on-campus in Paisley, on Wednesday, March 12th at 5:30pm. There are events across the UK and we are pleased to be able to host one of them. The Anabaptists influenced streams of early Baptist thought and their distinctive approach to Christian living still has much to teach us today. Rev. Dr. Ruth Gouldbourne will explore the legacy of the Anabaptist movement for contemporary life touching on themes such as toleration, women’s freedom, pacifism, and the place of experience in truth-telling. It promises to be an informative and thought-provoking event by one of the UK’s leading advocates of the Anabaptist movement. The event is free but ticketed. Tickets are available from Eventbrite here.

We’re really excited for the term ahead – both in the present and the longer term! There are several opportunities to get involved over the course of these next few months and so we do hope that we’ll be able to connect with you!
Ian Birch and the SBC Team
Prayer Points:
Please continue to remember us in prayer.
+ Pray that the new students starting will get settled quickly and enjoy the term ahead.
+ Give thanks for the Christmas break and the change of rhythm for staff and students.
+ Pray for the events of the term ahead; for their fruitfulness and opportunities to connect with people.
+ Give thanks for another year, full of possibility!
Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we continue to equip people to serve God’s Kingdom.
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