As we journey though Decemeber and Advent, we turn to another of SBC’s ‘best bits’! One of the integral parts of SBC is the community – and we’re inviting you to be a part of it! Speak to any of our students and they will tell you that the one of the best aspects of SBC is the friends you meet and the sense of community there is. Lifelong friends are made at SBC and this is not something we want to underplay.
The SBC is important to us for many reasons but primarily it adds to the pastoral support offered and the learning experience. We encourage both peer-to-peer support for our students as well as a Christian community that looks to support you in both academic and personal growth. University years can have many ups and downs over the years spent studying – some connected to being stretched mentally but also unconnected situations that arise in life outside of College. We hope that as our students journey through these years we can be a loving and supportive environment that helps them reach their fullest potential.
At SBC we also believe that in equiping people for ministry, life in the church, and for many contexts in life, the best way is to learn together. We are committed to embodied learning when that is at all possible. We believe that learning to hear and listen well to other people, their opinion and their experience, is important and best done whilst being alongside one another in the classroom and beyond.
Every teaching day the SBC community shares a mid morning break together which incorporates the all important coffee and tea but more significantly a shared devotion time. At SBC we learn together, we talk together, we share life together, and we worship together. In whatever way you can, whether you pray for us, attend seminars with us, donate to us, studying and learn alongside us, we invite you to join the SBC family.