“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him…?” (Psalm 8:3f)
“He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name” (Psalm 147:4)
Oh, the blessings of a dark place. I have two telescopes. Neither is sophisticated or particularly powerful: but they are enough on a dark night to pick out the detail on the moon’s surface, to view Jupiter and it’s four largest moons, to appreciate the colours of the stars in Orion, to find Polaris, and to spot Mars and Saturn. And telescopes aren’t needed when I can find a dark-sky area on a clear winter night. To see the Milky Way or the Aurora Borealis on such a night is to experience awe. And from time-to-time I log on for the latest pictures from the James Webb telescope. Beyond the distortions of humankind’s light-pollution there are some astonishing sights. All that awesomeness and majesty is always out there but our artificially generated lights obscure it. Thank You, Lord, for dark places. In the darkest place, I see my Creator’s work.
Oh, the blessings of a dark place. Two bible verses: Psalm 8:3 and Psalm 147:4. Neither is complicated or obscure, yet they are enough in the darkest moments to pick out the detail of God’s character and nature. Exegetical tools aren’t needed to realise that in my darkest moments, beyond any light the world offers, lies the awesome majesty and astonishing intimacy of my Creator. Fingers that place stars caress my soul. Lips that can name every star speak my name. Sometimes, I have to be in the darkest place to see this clearly. Thank You, Lord, for dark places. In the darkest place I see You most clearly.
Oh, the blessings of a dark place.