“I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.” (Proverbs 8:17)
How often I am clueless, aimless, uncertain, bewildered. I wonder what God’s will is? I wonder which path I should choose? I wonder how to react to all that happens around me? I wonder if I am saying, doing, being the right thing? I wonder where I can find x, y or z? I search my mind and my strength and my experiences and my own resources for clues, for insights, for signs. I turn things upside down and inside out. Sleep eludes me and I come back empty-handed. I need wisdom!
Granny-wisdom rebukes me: “it will always be in the last place you look, son, and the first place you should have looked.” Why is it that we so often leave to the last the first thing that we should have done? I am slowly learning that the first thing to do is given me in Proverbs 8:17. To seek God’s wisdom. Wisdom is personified in the Book of Proverbs. She promises that those who seek her will find her. And with Wisdom comes prudence, knowledge and discretion (Proverbs 8:12); counsel, sound judgement and power (Proverbs 8:14); decrees that are just (Proverbs 8:15); righteousness and justice (Proverbs 8:20). And she promises – “those who seek me find me.”
Clueless, aimless, uncertain, bewildered, lost? Now we know the first place we should look.