Recently we caught up with Lisa who graduated in summer 2022 with her honours degree. Here she shares about her call to ministry, the important role of the College, and her most recent appointment to be minister of two churches near Manchester.

Before joining SBC, I had a background in working with children and had completed a HND in Biomedical Science. These experiences came together when I was invited to use experiments to teach children about Jesus during a holiday club. This opportunity led me to become more involved in children, youth, and family ministry, eventually taking on the role of leading various groups. However, I realised that this position required a deeper understanding, prompting me to look into theological education. After an initial discussion with Graham, I felt enthusiastic about the module, and as a mother of three, I appreciated that SBC offered the work-life balance I needed. I enrolled in the BD in Theology with Pastoral Studies and began my journey in theological education and ministry.

My time at SBC was truly life-changing. However, my four years were not without their hurdles. In my first year, I became deeply involved in various church ministry activities and felt a strong pull to pursue this path. The informative and practical modules provided me with the vital tools to shape my theology and practice, but I soon realised that following this calling to ministry was a complex and challenging path.

Throughout my four years, the students became like family, and the lecturers were the heart of the college community! I received unwavering support from everyone, helping me navigate any challenges, big or small. The lecturers created a warm and inviting environment where my peers and I could explore the significant questions that occupied our minds and hearts. As a result, my relationship with God has deepened, and I have grown into the person I am today, all thanks to my experiences at the Scottish Baptist College.

Since graduating from college, I have the wonderful opportunity to teach on the Foundation Degree program at the Congregational Institute for Practical Theology (CIPT). The college is located in Nottingham, and I make the trip there four weekends a year to conduct classes alongside my fellow tutors during the residential weekends. I’m also involved in the redevelopment of modules for the foundation degree and a level 3 course called GIFT: Growing In Faith Together, which we aim to relaunch in the spring.

In addition, I have recently been called to serve as the minister for two churches, Greenacres Congregational Church and Springhead Congregational Church, in a shared ministry capacity. Each church has its own distinct identity and history, and this shared ministry marks a fresh and exciting new chapter for all of us. We are all eager to see how God will lead us on this journey. Later this year, I also intend to begin a Masters in Theology and Disability at Aberdeen University.

If I could offer a single piece of advice to those answering the call to ministry, it would be to not give up. From my own journey, I can say that the road we are meant to travel is often challenging. There have been times when I questioned whether it was worth it, but 1 Thessalonians 5:24 reassures us that “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do this.” (NRSV)

God is more than capable of handling our tears, doubts, and questions, and SBC provided me with the support I needed during those times. While pursuing my degree, I could never have imagined the life I lead today, but God truly works in mysterious ways. It has required a great deal of faith and determination to follow the calling I believe God has placed on my life.

A Bible verse that has always resonated with me is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (NRSV)

Whether you’re uncertain about your direction or have a clear vision of your calling, remember to keep pushing forward during your time at SBC and don’t give up!