Each term SBC holds a number of public seminars designed to create a space for discussion and dialogue over matters that we think might be interesting or useful to our students and beyond. This term we’re hosting three special sessions on three diverse topics but all of which we hope will provide some good engagement with the topics. These seminars are open to alumni, friends, and supporters of the College, as well as the wider public who feel they would benefit from engaging with the topic.
First up we have Baptist Union of Scotland General Director Alan Donaldson speaking on church decline in light of the 2016 Church Census. Alan will be looking at the issues and reasons for church decline and what the church can do about it. (Wednesday September 27th)
Our second seminar is by the Right Reverend Duncan Peters of the Free Church of Scotland who will be presenting on Christian Engagement with Muslims. This is a topic that is highly relevant in today’s global political climate and we are looking forward to being able to engage well with this topic. (Wednesday October 11th)
Finally, we have Dr. Parush Parushev who was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, and grew up with surrounded by Communist ideals and practice. He obtained his first PhD in 1977 in Applied Mathematics at the Technical University in St. Petersburg. In 1990 Parush became a Christian and his second PhD he obtained in 1996 at Fuller Theological Seminary in California studying theology, with specialist areas in Christian ethics and moral philosophy. This seminar is bound to be filled with interesting stories and experience mixed with informed teaching and thinking. (Thursday November 2nd)
All of the above are held at the Scottish Baptist College on the UWS campus in Paisley between 1:45pm to 3:15pm. You can find out more about this seminars on our What’s On page or by emailing graham.meiklejohn@uws.ac.uk