Introduction to the Modular Study
We know the demands of life – work, family, church commitments – they all take up time and energy. Sometimes it is just impossible to commit to studying full-time. However, time and time again we hear ‘but I still want to study theology!’ Modular study allows you to study individual classes without a commitment to a wider course of study.
Although stand-alone classes aren’t a qualifications in their own right, you can use any credits from modular study to transfer on to a course of study at a later date should you so wish. You can study a module for £550 which gives you access to materials on Aula (our Virtual Learning Environment), the Digital Theological Library, and full access to staff and assessments (if you so wish). If you would like to apply then please find out more about studying at the College and apply online here.
As a modular student you join in with other students on a course of study and so follow the same pattern of study. Each class is 12 weeks long (mid-Sept to early-Dec or late-Jan to early-May) and meets once a week on either a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. In most cases classes are available for delivery on-campus and online.
For more information or to arrange a conversation email our Academic Director, Graham Meiklejohn, on