Introduction to the Modular Study

We know the demands of life – work, family, church commitments – they all take up time and energy. Sometimes it is just impossible to commit to studying full-time. However, time and time again we hear ‘but I still want to study theology!’ Modular study allows you to study individual classes without a commitment to a wider course of study.

Although stand-alone classes aren’t a qualifications in their own right, you can use any credits from modular study to transfer on to a course of study at a later date should you so wish. You can study a module for £550 which gives you access to materials on Aula (our Virtual Learning Environment), the Digital Theological Library, and full access to staff and assessments (if you so wish). If you would like to apply then please find out more about studying at the College and apply online here.


As a modular student you join in with other students on a course of study and so follow the same pattern of study. Each class is 12 weeks long (mid-Sept to early-Dec or late-Jan to early-May) and meets once a week on either a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. In most cases classes are available for delivery on-campus and online.

For more information or to arrange a conversation email our Academic Director, Graham Meiklejohn, on

How is SBC as a place to study individual class? Is it easy to integrate into the College?

I found SBC a friendly place to be. Staff and students were very welcoming and I quickly felt part of the college, even though I was only in once a week. The fulltime students even let me walk to the library and have lunch with them!!

What are some of the modules you’ve studied and what did you get out of them?

I have studied modules on ‘Worship’, ‘Baptist Identity’ and ‘Creative Homiletics’ and enjoyed each of them. I found them practically helpful, allowing me to enhance skills and in some cases providing me with new skills; and also challenging, as we looked at different ideas and spent time discussing together in class, often challenging each other’s thoughts…but in a safe and respectful way while also having a good laugh at times in the relaxed, supportive atmosphere created in class by lecturers.

What are some of the challenges / highlights from modular study at SBC?

As I was working fulltime, the main challenge I experienced was managing the weekly reading and uploading my reflections to the online forum, though this was also a very beneficial exercise to both clarify my own thoughts and to allow my opinions to be challenged by the comments of classmates. The work load was never unreasonable and with a bit of discipline, was definitely manageable.

Highlights are tricky to choose – I really enjoyed the classes, the break for worship (which was so varied, as everyone took a turn), and pretty decent coffee with good quality banter and generally having a wee snap shot of SBC life…which I reckon is pretty good!

Ruth Kelso

Modular Studies

Classes run over a 15 week term (normally 12 classes with one or two reading weeks midterm and an assessment week at the end) and on-campus classes meet between 10am and 1pm; online classes run between 7:15pm and 9:30pm. Classes are once weekly on either a Tuesday, Wednesday, or a Thursday (email the College about specific information for any given class).

  • Encountering the New Testament
  • Encountering the Old Testament
  • Christian Worship
  • Christian Leadership
  • Living Justly in God’s World
  • Turning Points in Church History
  • The Practice of Pastoral Care
  • Communicating the Message: The Practice of Preaching
  • Work-based Learning (Theological Reflection on Practice)
  • Creative Mission in a Changing Culture
  • Baptist Perspectives on Being a Church
  • Practices of Youth and Community Ministry
  • Values of Youth and Community Ministry

There are also some specialist modules run on a recurring basis in Chaplaincy and Schools and Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care. Please email the college if you are interested in these modules.

These classes are all entry-level classes but it is also possible to take other classes from our BD Degree course at a higher level with evidence of prior learning. Find out more about studying at the College here or apply online here.