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On January 9th 2025 we’re hosting an online Open Evening for anyone thinking of study whether online or on-campus. This is an opportunity to explore what it’s like to study at SBC and ask questions about funding, classes, timetables and more!

Whether you’re thinking about full-time, part-time, or modular study…or just interested to see what we do…come along and join us on the Open Evening on Thursday January 9th.We’ll talk a little bit about the ethos of the College and the pragmatics of studying before leaving time for questions specific to your own circumstances.

To join us, please register using this link 

If you can’t make it on January 9th but want to speak with someone about studies then please contact Graham on the email below to arrange a time to visit / chat.

For more information or to enquire about studies please contact our Academic Director, Graham on graham.meiklejohn@uws.ac.uk


9 January, 2025
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm



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