One of the opportunities in the coming academic year, 2020-2021, is the ability to study for a Certificate in Theology and Pastoral Studies by blended learning. This is a validated qualification awarded by the University of the West of Scotland, bearing credits equivalent to the first year of a University degree. Next term all our regular classes will be online and we’re offering three classes in second term by blended learning (2 from the regular programme and one specific to the Certificate programme). This allows you to complete a full one year Certificate programme at distance. The blend of courses this year are ideal for covering foundational themes for ministry introducing biblical studies and exegesis, doctrine and ethics, preaching and homiletics, and church and ecclesiology.

It will still require availability at certain points in the week (primarily Tues, Wed, Thu mornings), but you won’t be required to travel to campus in order to complete the programme. Our modules will involve tutorial times – online where necessary, but, if suitable, in-person and on campus if desired. The main classroom experience will remain largely “synchronous” – that is online but real-time, interactive and communal. Students will be able to chat to one another, discuss as they would on campus, and have access to their lecturers during class and thereafter – it will definitely not be impersonal! And we can guarantee a high level of learning as we are resourced by the Digital Theological Library allowing access to over 600,000 theological books and 21,000 journals (60,000,000+ articles!) In one sense we’re changing very little about the strength of our teaching method, but offering it in a more accessible mode of delivery. 

In the first term classes taught by blended learning will be:

Encountering the New Testament with Paulus de Jong   
Living Justly in God’s World with Graham Meiklejohn
Communicating the Message: The Practice of Preaching with Lina Toth*

*It may be possible to switch Preaching with our Chaplaincy and Schools module “Time for Reflection”.

In second term the classes will be:

Work-based Learning and Study Skills (placement-based) with Lina Toth and Graham Meiklejohn
Baptist Perspectives on Being a Church with Ian Birch
Leadership in the New Testament (by Directed Learning) with Andrew Clarke

The cost of the Certificate programme is £6150 over 9 months but SAAS funding of £1765 is available if eligible (for more information on funding options see here). Of course, if a full Certificate is not possible then you can study any of these on a module by module basis.

For more information please email

Why SBC? Why a Certificate course?

We were asked to study theology for one year to join our mission organisation (OMF International) as full members, that’s the reason we chose one year. We chose SBC because of practical reasons such as the lectures being held during the school day. We were also impressed by the website and the College’s philosophy and mission statement. It’s also a small and friendly College so it didn’t take long to settle in.

Academically I particularly enjoyed the modules Encountering the Bible and Listening to Scripture. In practical terms I also found Ethics and Pastoral Care very helpful. Personally it was great to study with other followers of Christ all seeking to know him better and serve him more.

Challenges / Highlights…

The workload is hard to juggle with part-time work and raising a family. It definitely helps that it comes in spurts and bursts dependent on semester breaks and assignment due dates, so if you’re working flat out hopefully it’s only for a few weeks at a time until the next lull!

Highlights are being part of the College community, learning from each other as well as receiving excellent teaching from the staff. Also opening God’s word in depth and looking at hermeneutics in the Listening to Scripture module was a real highlight for me.

Ali and Cathy Hunt

One-year course