Not only does SBC offer the full four year Bachelor degree we also try to make sure people know they can come to study just one class as a short term study option. Maybe you are a lay leader and hope to get some more learning; maybe you have a special interest in one area of theology and want to learn more; or maybe you just have some time on your hands and want to put it to good use! Whatever, the reasons for wanting to study short-term we hope that SBC can make you feel welcome to join in on our modules.

You can find more details on how to apply for short courses / Modular study here but below is a quick summary of the entry level classes* on offer this coming term – starting September 2017.

Encountering the Bible with Marion Carson (Tuesdays 10am-1:15pm)

This class is an overview of the bible combined with an introduction to hermeneutics (how to interpret the bible). Ideas relating to translation, literary genre, and historical context will be considered. Marion Carson is a well-respected biblical scholar who brings the Scriptures alive to make them speak to today’s world. It’s a great class for anyone who wants deepen their appreciation for the bible.

Worship with Lina Toth (Wednesdays 10am-1:15pm)

A vital class for anyone who is an aspiring worship leader! Broaden your perspectives on worship, looking at different forms of worship from different traditions. This module will introduce you to the biblical and theological foundations, history, and practice of Christian worship. The class will give you space to think through some of the practical aspects of worship to help better inform your practice.

Christian Leadership with Lina Toth (Thursdays 10am-1:15pm)

Whether you are in or just thinking about leadership in any capacity (but particularly in the church) this class will help you reflect upon what it is to be a leader. You will be helped to consider the pitfalls and challenges of pastoral leadership and how these can be anticipated with compensating strategies. Through case studies you will explore the challenges of Christian leadership in a faith community, exploring how to grow as a leader in skills and effectiveness. The course will offer the opportunity to critically reflect on the challenges of leadership in situations such as church meetings (business, deacons’, ministry team, etc.), the leader as exemplar in worship, pastoral care, relational integrity.

Christian Mission with John Drane (Tuesdays 10am-1:15pm)

This module will introduce students to the ways in which the Christian community has historically understood and practised mission with a view to enabling the development of appropriate mission strategies relevant to the emerging shape of diverse local cultures in the 21st century. John Drane is a well-known name within the Fresh Expressions network and has researched and written numerous books and articles on the subject (as well as being a robust practitioner!) A topic of critical importance to the church in the 21st Century, this class is sure to get your brain working and to energise your creativity!


For any more information on these classes or about applying to study on a modular basis, please email the College. You can apply directly online (noting the class you are interested in studying under ‘Course’). 

*You may be able to enter at a higher level with previous relevant qualifications and / or experience but we encourage first time theology students to begin at level 7 / 8.