For the first time that we can recall, the Scottish Baptist College is holding an Open DaySBC April-10 to invite prospective students to experience life in the learning community of SBC. We love being able to share what we do at the College and the Open Day will be the perfect opportunity to come along and explore whether studying theology at SBC will work for you.

We realise that one of the big hurdles for people coming to study is being afraid of what students disertationcomes next – whether it’s because you are returning to study after a break or whether it’s making the jump from school to university, we know it can be a daunting experience. We hope the Open Day will be able to set realistic expectations for prospective students.

It’s also a ‘no pressure’ Open Day – we know the significant investment of time, money, and energy that goes into studying at university so the Open Day will not be a hard sell. However, we also don’t want anyone who feels studying theology might be for them to miss out on thefront-page-2014 chance to see what SBC has to offer. We want to show you the best of SBC but also help you make the best choice for your future calling, ministry, or career.

For more information see the SBC events page or contact Graham on