Earlier in the week we were saddened to learn about the passing of Dr. Ian Balfour who had a long association with the Scottish Baptist College. A lawyer by training, Ian was the College treasurer followed by the College secretary between 1978 to 2003. To his law training Ian also gained a PhD in Patristics from Edinburgh University and so also taught Early Christianity at the College through the mid-2000s. Before his long associated with the College began, Ian was the President of the Baptist Union of Scotland in 1976-1977 (pictured below).

Our Chaplain, Steve Younger, was a student at SBC during Ian’s time at the College and remembers him fondly: “He was very tall and always smartly dressed (often in a blazer and tie.) He was always very humble too, though I became aware he had an encyclopedic knowledge of theology and church history.” Steve continues: “I still have, and use, his copy of Nestle/Aland Greek New Testament which I picked up for 10p at a College second-hand book sale in 1985! John’s Gospel and 1 Corinthians are both heavily annotated with his notes, which are very detailed and precise” (see picture below).

Ian’s funeral will take place on Friday 24th June at 12.00 noon in Charlotte Chapel, 58 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH2 4RT.