SBC Principal, Ian Birch, has recently finalised the publication of a new book based upon the research of his PhD studies. The book is titled ‘To Follow the Lambe Wheresoever He Goeth: The Ecclesial Polity of the English Calvinistic Baptists 1640-1660’ and  explores the doctrine of the church among English Calvinistic Baptists between 1640 and 1660. All at SBC would like to express their congratulations to Ian on this success!



The book “argues that the development of Calvinistic Baptist ecclesiology was a natural development of one stream of Puritan theology, the tradition associated with Robert Brown, and the English separatist movement. This tradition was refined and made experimental in the work of Henry Jacob, who founded a congregation in London in 1616 from which Calvinistic Baptists emerged. Central to Jacob’s ideology was the belief that a rightly ordered church acknowledged Christ as King over his people. The christological priority of early Calvinistic Baptist ecclesiology will constitute the primary contribution of this study to the investigation of dissenting theology in the period.” (WipfandStock website)


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