Our overall Bachelor of Divinity programme covers the 4 main approaches to theology that you would expect – practical, biblical, doctrinal, and historical. However, our specific modules try to incorporate a mix of these different approaches so our biblical classes also think about practice and our doctrine classes about history and so on. Over years of reflection we’ve come to the conclusion that an interdisciplinary approach is the best way to make the connections between theological thinking and our lived faith.

So on that note, if you’re thinking of studying with us in September, you might be wondering what you might learn. Here’s a brief round up of classes beginning in September 2022.

Beginning in first year…

Encountering the New Testament

This module “does what it says on the tin”! An introductory course that helps you to read the New Testament in a way that gets the most out of it. Looking at issues of translation, interpretation, and theological themes, this class orientates you to the New Testament while showing how reading the Bible more deeply shapes your lived faith.

Communicating the Message

This module is a beginner’s guide to preaching and more! Increasingly ministry requires us to communicate the gospel in different ways, whether that is in a school assembly, in a church, or whatever context you find yourself! This class helps students to think about different methods of communicating Christianity well across a broad range of contexts.

Living Justly in God’s World

The Living Justly module is an introduction to the big questions in Christianity. Covering both ethics and doctrine, the classes return to the idea of what it is to be and do good in God’s good creation…and what happens when it goes wrong. While introducing you to theological language and ideas, the class is rooted in thinking through some of the consequences for doctrine in light of our lived practice.

Other years…


This upper level class covers a wide range of biblical, doctrinal, practical, and historical sources to think through the issues of peace-making, forgiveness, and reconciliation identifying these as key themes in the gospel narrative. Using case studies from history, this class opens up ways to seek reconciliation, even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Scottish Christianity

As an upper level class this module looks in depth at the formation of the Christian tradition within Scotland taking into account the specific impact of Celtic Christianity and how key historical events in church history were experienced in Scotland. The module seeks to uncover why Christianity in Scotland has come to be the way it is and how that can equip us for living out our faith in contemporary Scotland.

And that’s just first term! In term 2 you can look forward to Mission and Culture, Baptist Perspectives on Being Church, and Work-based Learning placements. And at upper levels, Paul and the Gospel of Jesus and Creative Homiletics.