This year our AGM will take place on Monday March 10th at 5pm and we expect it to be around 45mins. For the past couple of years, our AGM has been a separate event, unlike previous years before that where our AGM was part of the Baptist Union of Scotland’s AGM. This helps to recognise SBC as a separate legal entity and the financial independence of SBC which is not funded by BUS. Furthermore, we want to encourage shared responsibility for the College – we want Baptist churches to feel they have a valuable resource in SBC; and we can only be the best we can be with the support of local churches.

Due to the geographical spread of our member churches, our AGM will be held on Zoom allowing for maximum participation from member churches. Churches should arrange to be represented at the meeting by a person formally appointed by your Deacons/Leadership Team (it does not have to be a role holder within the church, such as minister, deacon, secretary, treasurer etc., but it can be). Once this has been done, please get in contact with Ellie Bell ( confirming your attendance and, in return, we will send you the Zoom link. Please note any apologies in advance of the AGM to Ellie using the same email address.

Below is the documentation that we are required to provide (click to download):

  1. Minutes of AGM 2024
  2. Accounts to end May 2024
  3. Letter to Member Churches (including AGM 2025 Agenda)

If you have any questions on the business of the AGM, please address them the College Principal ( who will relay them to the Secretary of the Board of Governors.

Zoom details will be sent to you when you confirm attendance but once the meeting goes live, you can also click on the link below on the evening to join the meeting: