Last Thursday (April 27th) we held our annual Commissioning service (although depending who you ask it’s also our annual Thanksgiving Service!) It’s a time to celebrate the accomplishments of the year gone by and a time to look ahead to commission those who are leaving to go on to new pastures!

Students, staff, and friends gathered in Central Baptist Church in Paisley to worship together with singing, sharing stories, prayer, and hearing from Dr Marion Carson on the Parable of the Sower. And then, of course, to eat together (anyone who knows SBC, knows this is an important part of our ‘traditions’!)

Reflecting on this time together is always significant as it reminds us of the impact our students have in Scotland and beyond. It’s such a privilege to serve the students as they study and then to send them out into all manner of jobs, churches, mission fields, and…well life in general!


The Students

Ali and Cathy – Ali and Cathy had joined us back in September aware that they would only be at SBC for a year. As missionaries in Cambodia it was a chance for them to be further equipped when they return to Cambodia – although as often happens, they brought as much to the College in experience and friendship, as they got back in learning! We’ll miss having them around but wish them all the best for their return to Cambodia.

Hayley – Hayley completed her degree at SBC leaving after her third year in order to go on to study further with a view to go into teaching. It’s been a pleasure to see Hayley grow from a quiet first year to a confident third year student ready to go into the world of teaching. It reminds us again that time spent at College can be hugely transforming for our students.

Josh – Josh has served his full four years at SBC and again would testify to those years being a journey of transformation for him. It’s not unusual for students coming to the end of their studies not to know a clear direction ahead. As often is the case with ministry, the future is not yet determined for Josh and he is exploring different avenues for future work and calling.

Ross – Ross is another graduate from the Honours course and we’re very pleased to see him choose to continue with his studies in theology. Ross has accepted a place on a Masters course at IBTS and study at distance – so we’re also pleased as we hope to continue to see Ross around the College as he progresses through this next stage of his learning.

Christy – Christy will also be graduating with Honours this summer. During her time at College Christy has been working part time at Mosspark Baptist Church and she will be continuing her ministry in youthwork and music full-time now that she has completed her studies. We’re looking forward to seeing these ministries be fruitful and prosper in the future.

Dez – Dez has definitely made his presence felt for the four years he has spent at SBC! We’ll miss Dez’s ability to involve other students in College life and for asking the questions no one else dared to ask! Dez is moving on to work with Alpha Scotland particularly in developing their work amongst the youth age range and we’re confident that he’ll excel in making this opportunity flourish.

John – Although John couldn’t make it to the Commissioning service on Thursday we are no less pleased to have John graduating this summer. John has been studying part-time with us over the past few years and is pastor at Carnoustie Baptist Church. John will be continuing in Baptist ministry and we wish him all the best in his future ministry.

James – James is our final Honours graduate and we’ll miss James, as a chemistry graduate, bringing a different perspective into the classroom! Not content with these degrees, James hopes to continue studying by venturing on to a Masters at Stirling University.