At SBC we want to communicate that the College is a place of learning, not just for students, but as a place to serve the wider church constituency – Baptist and beyond! This term we have a great set of seminars, events, and lectures open to all who might be interested. We’d love to see you at one or all of them and also for you to spread the word to your friends and church communities.  For any further information on any of the events please do contact


  • On Tuesday 6th February between 1:45pm and 3:00pm, we’ll be joined at our SBC Seminar by Baptist Missionary Society mission worker (and SBC graduate), Christine Kling who will be sharing about her mission work in France.
  • Insight Day led by the Baptist Missionary Society (BMS) on Tuesday February 20th (10am-1:30pm). The day will focus on the scope of the work of BMS and reflecting on the practice and theology of mission across a variety of contexts.


  • On Tuesday 6th March between 1:45pm and 3:00pm, our SBC seminar will be a presentation of research by our final year students.
  • We love being able to share what we do at SBC with prospective students and helping them to find out what might lie ahead. If you’ve ever thought about studying theology full-time, part-time, or even just taking one course then please do come along on Tuesday March 20th, 10:15am—1:30pm for our SBC Open Day (lunch provided and optional seminar till 3pm – speaker and topic tbc). Please register by emailing


  • We’re pleased to co-host this year’s Whitley Lecture with the Baptist Union of Scotland and presented by Helen Paynter. The event takes place on April 26th at Kirkintilloch Baptist Church at 2pm and it is an event not to be missed! The theme for this year’s lecture is as follows: Dead and Buried?: Attending to the voices of the victim in the Old Testament and today.
  • Our annual end of term Commissioning Service will take place on May 3rd and we’d love you to join us. We’re presently confirming the time and venue but it will take place after classes at approx 1pm. This is a great chance for friends and family of graduating students to celebrate with them as they move on to the next chapter of life, as well as for the rest of the student body to give thanks for the successful completion of another year of study!