“Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.” (Psalm 127:1)
On Sunday (26th November), Karen Stangoe was formally welcomed and inducted as the latest SU Scotland Regional Worker for Lanarkshire in a well-attended meeting at Park Church (UF) in Uddingston. Karen had previously served that church as their Children and Families Worker. She brings great experience to her role with SU across North and South Lanarkshire. Together, these two administrative regions comprise Scotland’s largest local authority area with over 300 schools. Karen will not be short of work!
North and South Lanarkshire schools currently have 35 active SU groups with 5 new groups being established but there is a clear sense of vision for greater growth: growth in the number of SU groups; growth in the partnerships with local churches; spiritual growth in the young people attending and leading the groups; and growth in the number of volunteers and the financial support for the work. Lanarkshire is blessed to also have three SU Scotland Associate Worker Trusts: ‘Cambuslang and Rutherglen Reachout Trust’, ‘Clydesdale Christian Youth Trust’, and the newly-formed ‘Growing Young Cairnlea’ (working in Airdrie).
For all the excitement and sense of vision and calling, there is also a firm understanding that “unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.” (Psalm 127:1) Zonya Bewick, SU Scotland’s Ministries Director, introduced this theme in her brief commissioning message. There is a deep awareness that unless we workers are hand-in-hand with one another across denominations and rooted in the Lord then no progress can be made. Zonya challenged us all to think of this biblical text, whatever we are engaged in for the Lord, both individually and collectively. She reminded us that the whole vision and work must be bathed in prayer and encouraged everyone to register with ‘Pray for Local Schools’ (www.prayforschools.org). Imagine what will flow from every one of Scotland’s schools being prayed for. Imagine what might flow from every one of us being committed to labour with the Lord.