“…whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him” (Philippians 3:7-9a)

Back in 2010, Lindsay Brown, then General Secretary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), wrote a book highlighting the witness and work of IFES staff at universities across the world. (Brown, Lindsay 2010 Shining Like Stars: The power of the gospel in the world’s universities 10Publishing p.182) The cameos of two of the staff seem to me to have grown in relevance in 2024, and not just in the university context.

One concerned Peter Kuzmic who led IFES in Croatia: “No-one ever achieved godly character through the laying-on of hands. Charisma may come in an instant, but character takes a lifetime. As Peter…has said, ‘Charisma without character spells catastrophe!’” (Brown 2010:182). Another concerned Chris Davies, a staff worker with IFES British movement until the late 1970’s: “She looked at what was and saw what could be. ‘Dissatisfaction’ is not listed in the New Testament charisma, yet Paul’s teaching is steeped in it. He continually expresses a desire for more – for more of Christ in his own experience; for more of Christ in the churches he had planted; for more of Christ in the lives of each believer.” (Brown 2010:179f)

Both these IFES staff members faced enormous obstacles and difficulty in establishing their ministries. But both had learned the discipline of a constant, daily seeking for Christ and a relentless striving to be conformed to His likeness. Both had learned that all else is loss compared to knowing Christ and gaining more and more of Him. Both were constantly striving for more of Christ. This is how they ultimately endured and their work succeeded. Both built effective and fruitful ministries that have continued to this day. Let us also strive for greater likeness to Christ and for more of His character to be formed in us. This is what will see us through all and any obstacles, and this is what will last into eternity.