“…serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’” (Galatians 5:13b-14)
My quiet time readings this week have led me into Galatians. The phrase from Galatians 5:13, ‘Serve one another in love’, immediately leapt out at me. It was the motto of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Baptist Union of Scotland and appeared on their badge. Reading that verse brought back some lovely memories of the work of “the WA” as it was affectionately known. My daughter, as a young manse child, used to play “WA” with her dollies (plus my son’s Action Man figures) carefully lined up and a plastic toy tea set split between them all. It always amused me to see a bare-chested Action Man clutching a little plastic teacup instead of a rifle and sitting between well-dressed Cindy and Barbie.
As a brand-new believer who came to faith at university, over forty years ago now, I was desperate to soak in God’s Word and understand my new-found faith experience. So, I literally walked the streets of St. Andrews and checked out the notice boards of every church and chapel I could find and then went to every meeting I could squeeze in in between lectures. Walking along South Street, I came across the Baptist Church and saw ‘WA’ advertised on their notices. As it fitted nicely between two lectures, I blithely wandered in off the street in that first month as a Christian.
I had no idea what ‘WA’ was or what it stood for. My memory is of being confronted by about thirty slightly alarmed grannies! After a brief whispered conversation two of them were sent across to ask me what I wanted. “Do you study the bible here?” I asked. Hearing the answer, “Yes we do”, I then innocently asked “Can I come in and listen then?” That prompted something that looked very like the pre-match team huddle in a sporting venue. My two ‘interrogators’ then turned round to me, beaming, and said “Aye son! In you come!” And so, I ‘joined’ the WA for several weeks.
They welcomed me in and loved me and cared for me and taught me and prayed for me. It felt like I gained thirty grannies. I have also never had so many custard creams in my life. Faced with a novel situation clearly outwith their normal expectations and routines, they simply served in love. Action Man sat with Cindy and Barbie indeed.
Let’s break the mould and truly welcome and serve one another in love.